We include in EpiIndicators the option to add more weight for the last dates to the agreement bewteen r(t)*f(t) and g(t+s(t))
In the EpiInvertForecast we include the option of using the median, instead of a weighted mean of the incidence curve dataset.
In the EpiInvertForecast we add a "trend sentiment" parameter to include "a priori" expectations about the incidence trend. The default value is "neutral" which means that you do not have any reason to believe that the prediction will be different to the initially predicted by the method. A positive "trend sentiment" means that you believe that the true value will be higher than the predicted one, and a negative value means the opposite (for instance, a lockdown has been implemented, and the prediction does not reflect this fact)
We include the management of weekly aggregated incidence data where every week a single data is communicated with the accumulated incidence in the last 7 days.
We include EpiInvertForecast, a procedure for the short time forecast of the restored incidence curve.
README.md has been simplified to avoid problems with the render of mathematical formulas.
The EpiInvert vignette has been moved outside CRAN repository to avoid problems with the render of mathematical formulas.
Some comments of the function descriptions have been modified.
None of EpiInvert's functions, examples or tests have been changed in this version.